Building and renovating homes
Thousands of families are living without homes or in conditions that are unsuitable for human habitation,
Water supply projects
Over 785 million people in the developing world suffer from a lack of water resources and water scarcity, making the issue of water one of the defining crises of our time.
Ramadan Projects
Ramadan is a month of goodness, generosity, and multiplied rewards, and one of its significant meanings is to empathize with the plight of the less fortunate, who are often hungry and thirsty.
Urgent and emergency relief
As a charitable and humanitarian organization, ” Wafa Al-Muhsinin” recognizes the importance of being prepared
Soliciting Zakat and alms
Receiving and distributing Zakat and alms to those in need is at the heart of the Foundation’s mission.
The Poor Patient Fund
The Poor Patient Fund aims to combat the high rate of preventable deaths among children and women. Sadly, hundreds of thousands of children die each year before their fifth birthday, while thousands of others succumb to treatable illnesses daily.
Eid Al -Adha Al Mubarak
The seasons of prosperity bring hope to the underprivileged. In several countries, people eagerly await the sacrificial season to savor the taste of fresh meat.
Seasonal various projects
The Foundation leaves no opportunity to make a positive impact, as we intensify our projects during significant events such as the month of Ramadan, Eid Al-Fitr, Eid Al-Adha.
The Poor Patient Fund
The Poor Patient Fund aims to combat the high rate of preventable deaths among children and women. Sadly, hundreds of thousands of children die each year before their fifth birthday, while thousands of others succumb to treatable illnesses daily.