Ihveder, has inaugurated the Mothers of the Believers Educational School in the village of Wafa Rafiqat Al-Jannah, which was established a few weeks ago for the benefit of earthquake victims in northern Syria.
The foundation stated, ‘Believing in the importance of education and the right of every child to access it, and in our commitment to creating integrated residential communities, we have established this school, which includes 8 classrooms and will accommodate 500 students in both morning and evening shifts.’
It added, ‘The village of Wafa Rafiqat Al-Jannah is the first of the villages to be built and opened after the earthquake that struck Syria, and it has been handed over to the affected residents.’
The village comprises 100 residential units in addition to a mosque at its center, and the foundation affirmed its continued efforts in constructing more housing units. It is expected that new residential villages will be opened in the coming weeks.”